We are not good!

(but we are better than yesterday, and will be better tomorrow...)

Our greatest challenge is undoubtedly sustainability. We have to be leaders, proactive, committed in order to protect our planet, and be a responsible industry (and seen as such). We are not perfect, but we have to improve:

Be responsible in our activities

  • Monitoring our emissions (office, transport for long distance) and compensation with our Galicia Rexenera program. [+]
  • The magazine is printed on a paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council [+], and it is wrapped in a biodegradable bioplastic by the Asproseat Foundation (insertion of people with disabilities) [+] and offset the emissions caused by its printing and shipping.
  • Measuring and compensating our events, including our hosted buyer trips.
  • Checklist for our events – included in the briefing to suppliers.

Help the industry to be more responsible

  • A sustainability section at the beginning of our magazine, introducing ideas and cases. [+]
  • A specific newsletter, that collects methods, cases and opinions (Jan-2023).
  • Specific number of eventos Magazine on sustainability (Apr-2023). [+]
  • Category “Responsible event” at Premios eventoplus. [+]
  • Meetings regarding sustainable events – with the aim of defining a vision of the future.

Help us: inform us of your responsible actions, we want to give you a voice; and ask us for resources or sustainability advices.

The events sector, part of the solution

Compensation is not a sustainable solution but it helps to attenuate the impact of what we fail to reduce.

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