We can help you...

Promote your space or your services for events...
... create your listing on eventoplus.com, the largest directory of event providers
Visit eventoplus.com
Being in the minds of event organizers...
... advertise in events Magazine or in one of its supplements
Our publications
Expand your portfolio of international clients...
... participate in the MIS (Meeting & Incentive Summit) International and do business with international buyers
Visit the web
Create and position your brand...
... become a sponsor of our events or Market Research
Present your destination, space or service for meetings and incentives...
... meet at the MIS (Meeting & Incentive Summit) with national and international buyers
Visit the web
Create bonds with your customers...
... become an exhibitor at BED (Barcelona Event Day) our relational event in Barcelona
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Gain recognition and prestige...
... Present your best events to the Premios eventoplus and get the reputation you deserve
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Get to know the organizers of sports tourism & meetings...
... participate in the international event Sports & Events Workshop
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Be wiser...
Here you have all our publications

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